You Were Wrong About This

Rachit Aggarwal
6 min readFeb 9, 2021

One of my all-time favorite characters is Son Goku. Akira Toriyama has written him in such a fantastic way. He has inspired some of the best animes in the modern day. But in this article, we are not talking about his character and personality; We are talking about his strength. This is a very controversial topic, so I will present my honest view and explain his power. There are a wide variety of people that give very different views about his power. Some say that he is just galaxy level; some say he is an omnipotent God who can destroy every fictional character ever made. This article will break down his feats, statements by the writer, and some interesting theories. So let’s begin.

The Power of Son Goku

In the first saga of DBS, In the middle of the Goku v/s beerus fight, we see when Super Saiyan God Goku and beerus clash fists. The whole universe experiences shockwaves. The Supreme Kai stated that three or more of these shockwaves were enough to destroy the universe. And we also see whis saying that this power could destroy the universe. And it would have happened if Goku didn’t cancel beerus punches. He canceled his punches at first, and later, he used ki control to focus the destructive power on beerus instead of the universe( A post on how ki control works is coming up).

And at the moment of the clash, Goku was at his weakest as he has just gained excess to SSG(Super Saiyan God). We see him get several times stronger as the fight goes on. And we see that he was also holding back at the moment of their clash.

Now, the average dragon ball universe is several times bigger than the universes used for power scaling. This is due to the presence of

  1. The Mortal universe, which is the size of a regular universe.
  2. The other world, which is stated to be as big as the mortal universe.
  3. Hell. Since every planet has its own hell. It is as big as the mortal universe, if not larger.
  4. kaioshin realm. Which is stated to be 1/10th of an average DB universe.
  5. Demon realm. We currently have no info on the demon realm, but it’s safe to say that it is at last as big as the kaioshin realm.
  6. There isn’t a name for this part of the universe, but we see it after Zeno erased all the universe’s physical matter. So it’s safe to assume that same size as all of the above combined.

All the above points make a DB universe at least eight times the size of a regular marvel or dc universe. And beerus and Goku were going to destroy all that with three simple punches. Now it’s safe to say that Goku can now it in 1 single punch as he got several times stronger as he kept fighting. And when the SSG finally ran out, but Goku kept fighting with even more power, beerus said that his body had absorbed the SSG power. For those who don’t know, transformations are a multiplier of speed and power. So Goku absorbed all that power and became universal in his base form.

Moreover, Goku got thousands of times stronger in each saga of DBS. I would recommend watching Seth The Programmer on how he got that much stronger as he expertly explains every bit of info. After that, he went and trained with Whis. And Whis raised Vegeta’s power from galaxy level to rival Goku’s, which at the time was lower multiversal. Goku got a lot stronger up to the point of being high universal in his base form. And we see the proof of that in Top saga when Goku shook an infinite dimension while just standing in base form. A common misconception is that he did it in UI omen. But we see all the characters experiencing that even before Goku transformed and while he was at his lowest(having just got beaten down by Jiren). In the manga, he trained for 6 months with meerus, so at this point, we have proven his strength in his base form is High Universal; we can stack the transformations on the top of his power in his base form.

Now the power multipliers of each transformation are not fixed, but we can take an estimate. These are the estimates of how much they increase the power in base form.

SSJ — 50x
SSG -80,000x
SSB — 320,000,000x
UI Omen — 6.4 billion x
MUI — 64 billion x

Now a lot of people have a different take on these multipliers. But take in mind these are just rough estimates and can change very drastically. Now Goku is that much stronger in MUI.

The Speed of Son Goku

Now coming to his speed. Goku achieved light speed in the OG DB series under kami’s training as kami trained him to dodge a lightning bolt, and Raditz was also stated to be faster than the speed of light by Piccolo. So they surpassed the speed of light a long time ago. To measure Goku’s speed, we have to measure Jiren’s speed. In TOP Saga, we saw Jiren trapped in a time prison by Hit. The prison was such that it turned back jiren to his original position whenever he tried to move, Or you can say that it rewind time only for jiren. So, Jiren couldn’t move. But as we saw, jiren broke out of that prison. The only way he could have done that was to move faster than time itself. So it proves that Jiren’s speed is beyond space and time. We see Goku forcing jiren to use much more of his speed in his UI omen form, meaning Goku’s speed in UI is way beyond space and time. So Full Power Goku is much faster than that.

MUI’s Abilities

And we aren’t done yet. MUI has a LOT of different perks. MUI gives you auto dodge, meaning only another person with MUI can hit him, or a person who has exponentially higher speed can hit him. But Jiren didn’t have either of them but was still able to hit Goku. That’s cause he didn't master it fully in anime; he only achieved it. But in the manga, he has mastered it. Moreover, Goku moves faster than his opponent can think, so an opponent with similar or even a little higher speed will die before he knows what’s going on. And even if you manage to hit Goku, he wouldn’t feel a thing as MUI hardens the body so that no damage can occur. The opponent will have to be exponentially stronger to do damage. An opponent wouldn’t be able to copy MUI or even absorb him as MUI would destroy their body as it did to Moro. So, Goku can only be beaten by characters that are higher multiversal, or higher.

List used for power scaling:

Thanks for reading this far. Share with your friends as this post can save them or you if you are in an argument. See you in the next post. Goodbye!!



Rachit Aggarwal

I am a high schooler, and I love Anime, MCU, Harry Potter, and many more things.